Thursday, 10 July 2014

Little Blog Update

Hey there folks,

Just a little update I didn't want to spam my main blog with, as I have posted two blogs a day the last two days. On the subject of my main blog, here's the thing- I'm going to try and make it more regular and less erratic, rather than uploading loads one week and then nothing for weeks. So when I write a blog, I won't necessarily upload it as soon as I write it anymore.

Instead I'll be saving up my blogs during my floods of creativity where I can write for England, and post every Wednesday and Saturday from now on, aside from special posts like M.E. awareness day etc. This way I don't spam your social media newsfeeds with blog posts every day, and I get into a regular pattern of updating the blog twice a week.

As well as this, I am going to be using this blog a lot more, with (hopefully) daily personal updates, so those of you who want to follow me more closely can do so. I'm also going to be more openly Christian on this blog, as I don't want to bible-bash my main blog readers too much. I'm not ashamed of the gospel but I'm aware that my blog isn't really about religion, but about Chronic Illness, and although I have some personal posts on M.E. and my Battles, I want most of my blog posts on that blog to be Chronic Illness related (or at least not too personal, I will be including 'How To's' and Reviews) and less about other random things.

So in summery, expect less personal, more regular, more focussed blog posts from M.E. and my Battles, and expect more, hopefully daily posts on this blog about my day to day life. There's also something else in the pipeline which I'm very excited about but I can't reveal it yet!

Big Loves

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